Dove’s Latest Ad Campaign Is All About #NoDigitalDistortion

Dove, in its latest ad campaign, is all about saying no to digital distortion of images. In its latest hard-hitting campaign, Dove is highlighting the issue of highly edited pictures on social media. The ad takes place in reverse mode. It begins with a girl posting a picture on social media getting many likes.

However, as the ad continues in the reverse mode, it highlights the heavy editing behind it. It highlights the many filters, lenses, and beauty effects that were used to make the picture what it was. So, when all the edits, filters, and effects are removed, we see that the girl was actually a very young teenager.


How Is Dove Promoting #NoDigitalDistortion In The Latest Ad Campaign?

This ad focuses on how unrealistic expectations of beauty owing to many filters and editing apps are crushing the self-esteem of young girls. We all have given into the unrealistic expectations of beauty at some point. Not only this, many times we use all use different filters too don’t we?

Dove latest ad campaign
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This is because social media has normalized the notion of unrealistic beauty expectations. As a result, a lot of women especially young girls are feeling pressured to fit in.  We are looking at it through the digital lenses and we are unknowingly promoting it too.

This is why, Dove has come up with the hashtag #NoDigitalDistortion for its campaign, With this hashtag dove hopes to build confidence amongst girls and wants to tell them that they are beautiful just the way they are.



A Brand With A Voice Is The Brand Of Choice…

A brand that inspires is a brand that is loved. Every brand has a responsibility towards the audience. In today’s world, people are more sensitive to how brands come across and what kind of messages are they sending.

When we see that a brand is inspiring people to be who they are with pride, we are automatically attracted. Not only this, we feel a sense of pride for being associated with such brands. 

As a result, brands that reflect that they are all about quashing stereotypes and sending an uplifting message will always be preferred over others. #Dove has always managed to do that, and we applaud it. What do you think about this latest campaign? Let us know. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to get more updates just like this straight in your mailbox. Until next time folks.

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